As Halloween approaches, discover your inner witch and prepare for the upcoming full moon with a cup of cinnamon-tinged warmth.
A very significant day lies ahead at the end of this month. A day with the potential to bring about great change. A day of purging that which no longer serves us. I’m talking about the full moon on October 9—a Hunter’s Moon to be precise—the first full moon of the month.
Regardless of how one feels about the metaphysical realm, you can’t deny that there’s some intense energy in the air. To help us harness that energy, cannabis educator, intuitive healer, and practicing Wiccan Liv Vasquez walks us through a full moon ritual anyone can do at home. Bonus: a witchy cider recipe to sip while you summon.

Reflect on lessons during the full moon
“The moon works in cycles, and so does life,” says Vasquez. “Many religions look to the moon and practice rituals in tune with its rhythms in their own ways. Fishermen live by the tides; farmers harvested by it. The new moon phase is a time to invoke; call things in. The full moon is when you let things go.”
First, rid your mind of any preconceived notions of throwing bones and reading spells. A full moon ritual is not so much a strict step-by-step process, but a few core elements that can take place throughout the full moon period (five days before the full moon and five days after). In the days prior, begin by meditating on what you need to let go. Evaluate your life and the things that no longer serve you. It could be relationships; habits; impulses; ways of thinking; biases; guilt; shame; any part of your life that needs to be released. Yes, release it to the moon.
“The moon is always there,” says Vasquez. “You can even see it in the daytime. Some people talk to God regularly, but you never get to see God in physical form. For me, looking up to the sky and knowing that the moon does change the tides, that it does have a scientific impact on the Earth, that helps me release more spiritually.”
Release what no longer serves you
On the night of the full moon, set aside time when you can be fully present (and maybe put your phone in another room). If you have crystals, place them on the windowsill or outside to charge in the moonlight. If it may rain, set a bowl outside to collect the rain as “moonwater.” That moonwater can later be used in a variety of ways, from the cider recipe below to adding a little to your bong water for more purposeful medication.
Vasquez emphasized that everyone’s full moon ritual should be a personal, unique process that works for them. No two will be identical.
“It’s kind of like cleaning house,” says Vasquez. “It’s a good time to burn sage (not white sage, unless you’re of Indigenous descent) or lavender to clear the air—anything that helps you set a cleansing tone for the ritual. Candle magic helps me concentrate, so I burn purple candles for intuition and supporting my psychic energy and white candles for mood and intention.”
Now, write out the things that no longer serve you. Not on your phone or your laptop—real ink on real paper. For some, that will suffice. The mere act of putting those words down in ink allows you to leave them behind. Or, you can burn the list, bury it, or rip it up into pieces. Whatever impulse you feel, go with it—just be sure to look at the paper when you cast it away, and release those things with intention.
“I like to think to myself, This is the moon’s problem now,” says Vasquez.
Set your intentions for the next month
“There is no right way to do this. It’s about making intentional time to clear your mind in every sense. To take stock of the issues you’ve been ignoring and give yourself time to evaluate your life. Do what you need to do to feel peaceful and prepared to take in the things you wish to manifest with the new moon.”
In the days that follow the full moon, you can make the most of the waning nocturnal energy with this special cider.
“If we’re all thinking about a better world with intention, we can contribute to those changes on some level,” says Vasquez. “But we have to truly believe in and visualize those changes.”
Full Moon Cider Recipe
Cinnamon is thought to bring abundance in love and home, and it can be used in love spells and fertility spells. So even a simple apple cider can give you those warm, cozy feelings while also bringing in a little extra prosperity. Any time you take an intentional moment to really think about what abundance means to you, while you add cinnamon to your food or drinks, you’re practicing witchcraft.
- A couple of dashes of cinnamon
- A few drops of collected moonwater
- A few drops of water-soluble CBD to your cider
- Take a glass of your favorite apple cider, and drop in the ingredients all at once. Wait to stir.
- Now close your eyes and visualize the things you want in your life, as if you have them already, and stir your drink clockwise before your first sip. Enjoy and manifest.
Source: Thrillist.