
How Does CBD Functional Beverage Compare to Other Types of CBD Products?

There’s no shortage of popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) products these days. As more people are discovering alcohol alternatives and beverages that provide benefits to their health,...

Cannabis Use In Religious Rituals

Other religions state that while it can be used for medicinal purposes it is also banned in their community. For some religious communities, cannabis is...

What causes the pungent “skunk” aroma of marijuana? (Hint: Not terpenes)

Many individual aroma notes can be detected when smelling marijuana, ranging from floral to fruity or earthy. We all have our preferences, but most...

Can cannabis improve your sex life? Why some people claim it ‘accentuates every bit of feeling and touch.’

Cannabis use has a surprising number of benefits, including stress relief and pain management. But there may be another potential upside to using cannabis...

The ‘Typical’ Cannabis Consumer? A New Report Dispels Stereotypes

Entrepreneurs new to the cannabis industry who think their typical customer is a young stoner with a rapper t-shirt and unruly ponytail need to...


